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Clarisse Goldenwine is a plant bestowed upon me by a precious friend. They’re at the moment just a child and follow up pictures will be coming. Unfortunately they won’t stop complaining about their siblings stealing of Clarisses pot. What a continuous argument it is.


Dame Stuert Hazewome is one of our oldest residents. Due to this he often takes on the role of angry old man and sweet old lady in one. Don’t ask me how, but there is a fondness in him. As well as, of course, his inhumane consumption of sandwiches with pasta on top. Though I must say that you shan’t judge a book by its cover, some of these are indeed masterpieces.


Christer J. Jackson-Fenix, part of the infamous Elephant twins, formally triplets, is quite an outstanding young woman. She’s a guard of the inhouse garden and, to none’s surprise, has gained the title of Swords master. Though this does not stop her from playing a few tricks on her siblings.

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